Uploading Your List

Adding Subscribers To Your List

Before you can send your first campaign, you first need to import your subscribers or email database to a list in your account.

The following steps will show you how to create your first list and import your subscribers.

1. Click Lists in the side menu. Then click Create new to setup your first email list.

2. Fill in the General data below. The From and Reply to email is important. It will be used later in your campaigns.

3. If you want to be notified when someone unsubscribes from your list, fill in the 2 fields as shown below.

4. Finally, fill in your company details. These details will be shown at the bottom of every email send out.

5. Click Save changes to create the new email list. Once the list is created, you can add subscribers manually or import form a CSV file.

To import subscribers, click the sliding menu as shown and click Import.

6. Download the sample.csv file to use as a template to format your subscriber email addresses.

7. Select your formatted subscriber list and click Upload file to upload the file to the system.

That’s it! You can now create your first email campaign.

Next: Create Your First Campaign

It's time to create your first email marketing campaign.