Email Marketing Made Easy

Just One LOW Price for Unlimited Subscribers. 

Unlimited Subscribers

Every plan comes with the ability to store unlimited subscribers unlike other service providers that charge progressively higher rates as your number of subscribers increases.

Low Monthly Fee

Only pay for what you need to use. At Faster Send Mail, we believe in offering our users value and flexibility. Upgrade or downgrade your usage plans anytime. There are also no long term contracts to tie you down.

High Deliverability

Faster Send Mail uses SPF and DKIM email authentication as well to ensure consistent and high email deliverability rates.

Faster Send Mail Is Singapore’s Most Affordable Email Marketing Service

Isn't Email Marketing Outdated?

Email marketing is still one of the most economical yet effective means of advertising today. The key is consistency and avoiding the dreaded Spam filter. 


Got A Large Email List?

If you have a large list of subscribers, customers or leads that you have collected over time, FasterSendMail is the most economical way to do it to send newsletters or marketing emails to them.  You can also automate your marketing campaigns by setting up a series of emails in a drip campaign to connect with your audience weekly or at specific dates and keep your brand at the top of their mind. 

However, if we detect an unusual amount of bounced emails, invalid email addresses or spam complaints, we won’t hesitate to suspend your account. 

Email iPhone
Gold Package

Perfect for new marketers who wants to expand their customer base

  • 45,000 emails/mth
  • 50,000 Subscribers
  • Easy Email Templates
  • Email Support

Powerful statistics & insight reports for maximized sales & marketing performance

  • 115,000 emails/mth
  • Unlimited Subscribers
  • Easy Email Templates
  • Priority Support

Additional features for professionals who need unlimited marketing capability

  • 150,000 emails/mth
  • Unlimited Subscribers
  • Easy Email Templates
  • Priority Support
Buy Domain

Domain Registration & Hosting

Register a custom domain for your email address instead of using a free email address like Gmail or Yahoo. It will significantly improve your email deliverability.

$97 $77

Full CEA Agent Email Database

Get more cobroking opportunities by sending your listings to all the CEA registered property agents in Singapore. Each email database will be segmented into the top 4 agencies for better targeting results.

$420 $168


SPF and DKIM are fundamental components of email authentication and help protect email senders and recipients from spam, spoofing, and phishing.

Sender Protection Framework (SPF) is a form of email authentication that checks whether an email message has been sent from an authorized mail server. This is to detect forgery and to prevent spam.

DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) works by adding a digital signature to the headers of an email message. This ensures that emails you sent can be proven to be authentic and unaltered, thereby preventing email spoofing and harmful spam. When used together, SPF and DKIM authentication form a powerful combination that ensures business critical emails reach your recipient’s inbox and don’t end up in spam boxes.